February 22, 2013

[EMS] Regarding contact on the Supreme server

Hi guys! People actually asked me if I have tried out the Supreme server yet, and I know a lot of friends are playing it at this very moment. Also a somewhat large amount of the people whom asked me if I already tried it out, asked me if they could contact me. Therefore I wanted to mention something important to my viewers and friends (if they do read my blog, that is).

I've decided not to play the Supreme server yet. It will take an unknown (large) amount of time before I will be (somewhat more) active on the Supreme server. I still have to do a lot more important things in Kradia and I have to choose between playing either on the Kradia server or on the Supreme server. I can only play on one server at a time. If you want to contact me, you will still have to contact me on the Kradia server.

The Supreme server in MapleStory Europe has closed as of early 2015.

I hope this makes several questions clear and sorry for the inconvenience. Until next post!

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